mardi 11 septembre 2012

The son of former Egyptian president transferred Criminal Court

Les fils de l'ancien président égyptien transférés devant la Cour pénale

CAIRO, Sept. 11 (Xinhua) - The son of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Gamal and Alaa, and former presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq were transferred to the International Criminal Court on Tuesday, the agency reported official MENA news.

The son of Mr. Mubarak and Mr. Shafiq, are accused of taking 40,000 square meters of land in the governorate of Ismailia. The judge in charge of the investigation, Osama al-Seidy, appointed by the Ministry of Justice also ordered the arrest of Mr Shafiq and kept in custody during the investigation.

Gamal and Alaa are detained in the prison of Torah, while the investigation is conducted, for manipulating the stock market.

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