mardi 11 septembre 2012

Lies or conspiracies?

Mensonges ou complots ?
We described as "complotistes" but who can think that groups of political power, military, economic and financial living from day to day? Without ever predict or plan?

How can we believe a second, for example, that the goal of the pharmaceutical industry is the common good and not the profit?

Who can believe that policies that are part of Freemasonry (see Government of François Hollande) and therefore, in lodges, called "brothers" of senior finance and economics, may at the same time to address these economic and financial powers that destroy France?

How can we conceive that alliances form of interest in unions and corporations popular, and do not occur in elite circles of power, which meet the pundits of politics, finance, media, the economy?
These circles "very private" do not then they are the institutionalization of class solidarity, class of powerful oligarchs, policy makers?

Our "complotisme" is nothing more then a grid of particular reading of reality, where concepts are "reincarnated", where we will consider that it is not capitalism or globalism that you simply denounce as concepts, but capitalists and globalists, it is necessary to identify the reality of their networks.

Because when a European directive is signed, it is not a concept that holds the pen. When a market order is past - for example, speculating on sovereign debt, a currency, a commodity - it is not a concept that pushes the button. When essential information is truncated or manipulated by the editor of a major newspaper, it is not a concept that instructs the other end of the phone.

Establish mediation, objectively reconstruct these power networks, identify the names of persons who act truly top of the scale, note the clear predominance of ethno-sectarian within the oligarchy establish the history of the processes of domination, it is not complotisme: it is a political work.
This is the first political work to do. Because to fight, better know who we're fighting.

It is also not a coincidence that when we move from concept to the objective identification of those who are the protagonists, one is immediately qualified complotistes or conspiracy. Therefore consider these qualifiers as good signs: those who prove that they should not be far from reality ...

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