mardi 11 septembre 2012

Iran: Israel free to act as he sees fit (Netanyahu)

Iran: Israël libre d'agir comme bon lui semble (Netanyahu)

The international community does not have the moral right to limit Israel in its actions towards Iran as it will not impose "red lines" on Tehran's nuclear program, said on Tuesday Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"The international community told the Israelis: Wait. There's still time." And I ask: "Wait, what? Until when?" Those in the international community who refuse to fix red lines on Iran have no moral right to impose a red light to Israel, "Mr Netanyahu said at a joint press conference with his Bulgarian counterpart Boyko Borisov in Jerusalem.

And remember that neither diplomacy nor economic sanctions had stopped Iran's nuclear program whose purpose, according to the Jewish state, to enter into possession of the atomic bomb.

"The sanctions have affected the economy of Iran's nuclear program without interruption," noted the Prime Minister.

According to Israeli media, the Prime Minister and Defense Minister Ehud Barak advocate a strike against Iranian nuclear sites, but still can not find unanimous support within the political and military leadership of the country.

The administration of U.S. President Barack Obama called on his side to neutralize the Iranian nuclear program by peaceful means.

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