mardi 11 septembre 2012

Israel censored press, journalists chased

After Anat Kham, Israeli journalist, sentenced to several years in prison for revealing Israel's practices in the field of "targeted killings", Uri Blau, Haaretz journalist comes out with 4 months of work of general interest to avoid Israel scandal of a trial showing how the press of this great democracy is bound.

After negotiations, Uri Blau accepted his compromise, although his lawyer said "This is how a journalist who does his work continued in Israel."
He was sentenced for informing the public about "targeted" assassinations of Palestinian militants by the military, from military documents, although the offending articles have passed the first screening of military censorship.
For you must know that in Israel all the news articles are subject to military censorship ...
In December 2009, Anat Kam, a journalist who worked for the site Walla, was arrested, accused of supplying military documents used to write an article by Uri Blau in Haaretz in November 2008.
Uri Blau had in early 2010, was sent to London by his writing for him to avoid being arrested.
The case was considered top secret, and the Israeli media were forbidden to mention it.
Anat Kam was convicted Oct. 30, 2011 to six years in prison and is currently incarcerated.

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