mardi 11 septembre 2012

Suicide and the financial crisis

Le suicide et la crise financière
In view of the instability of the global economy, psychiatrists are increasingly concerned about the problem of suicides due to personal financial disaster. September 10 is the International Day just suicide prevention, held at the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO). Does the world - including Russia - is threatened by a wave of suicides economic?

Experts do not exclude such a risk but believe that it all depends on the magnitude of the financial crisis and the perception of problems at the level of each individual.

An inescapable spiral

According to WHO statistics, a person puts his own life every 40 seconds somewhere in the world and the high rate of suicide has long been a major problem worldwide. Each year, 900,000 people decide to end their lives.

Over the last 20 years, Russia is among the countries most affected by this phenomenon with an average index of mortality due to suicide than the critical limit set by the WHO - ie 20 cases per 100 000 inhabitants.

However, experts point out that since the early 2000s, the trend is downward in the country. In 2010, there were an average of 23.3 suicides per 100 000 population in 2011 to 21.4.

But these statistics could easily take off, experts warn. Financial instability in the world, according to economists touch sooner or later the Russians could cause a spike in suicides in the country. Europe has already faced this problem, judging by the local press reported periodically tragic stories of people who have ended their days because they could not manage their own financial crisis.

According to experts, the Russians are not psychologically immune to such a situation, even if the population of the country has been through several financial crises. As noted by Vladimir suicidologue Voïtsekh, October 1998, followed a few weeks the financial crisis of August 1998, had been a tripling of the number of suicides compared to the previous year, especially among young people.

The 2008-2009 crisis has not significantly affected the statistics in Russia but experts point out that financial disasters always leave traces on the morale of the population, especially among those who are accustomed to revenue growth and stability.

"The radical change of social status and income is a known risk factor," said Yevgeny Lyubov, head of the Institute for Suicide Research Psychiatric Moscow, with the Ministry of Health.

Credits ubiquitous

It is difficult to predict how the Russians react psychologically to the impending crisis because its magnitude is unpredictable. "But we can say that at present, the Russians are more indebted than in 2008," says Stanislav Bojenko Bank of Moscow.

"Overall, the solvency of the population has increased since 2009-2010. Unemployment reduces inflation is rather moderate and people are willing to make loans despite the recent financial crisis. General economic situation and stable oil prices contribute to this situation, "said the expert. And note that in recent years, banks have actively grown their loan portfolio despite the policy tightening creditor.

For example, between August 2008 and August 2012, issued by Sberbank loans grew over 90% to 187% of VTB, 71% for Rosbank, says expert. "If the recession proves to be very strong, the situation is desperate and many borrowers could find themselves unable to repay their loans," warns expert.

The crisis in the head

Psychologists say, however, that whatever the extent of the financial problems a person faces, they are not the real cause of suicide but only a pretext, in the context of depressive disorders and other problems related complex.

"People are driven to suicide by mental suffering unbearable, the only issue is the loss of consciousness," says Yulia Ovtchinnikova, the chair of general psychology and experimental Research Institute of the High School of Economics.

"The man does not want death, but the suffering continues," she says. However, anyone facing problems not found the brink of suicide. "The risk of suicide occurs when a disaster affects a vital vulnerable personality, psychological distress in which" fits "as a key in a lock," said Yevgeny Lyubov.

Who is in the "risk group" of social perspective? Primarily individuals whose income increased in recent times faster than their professional level, the psychotherapist believes Konstantin Olkhovoï.

"Such a group has emerged in recent years within the population. Moreover, these people have been exposed to the ideas of the public, advertising, and often they buy products above their means. losing their job and regular income, they could face a deep psychological crisis, interpreting the situation as a fall in poverty, loss of status and image, "said the expert.

According to him, in this situation, it is important to review its vision of consumption.
"This is an unhealthy situation where an individual who earns about 1,000 euros per month buys a car on credit worth 40 000 euros," he says, stressing that having an objective, a car should not be worth more than six months' salary.

Apart from white-collar to keep their image and status, businessmen are also found in the group at risk, according to Konstantin Olkhovoï. "The job of a businessman or a major contractor requires a strong psychological pressure and these people are often subject to emotional outbursts," says psychotherapist, stressing that the financial crisis could be, for them, last drop of water in the vase.

Regarding the population less easy, finally, it seems less subject to psychological disorders in the context of a crisis. Most of the time, it does not accept credit says Yevgeny Lyubov. "These people are used to relying on themselves and survive on what they have," said Konstantin Olkhovoï.

The solution is

How to prevent a suicide or suicidal behavior in case of financial difficulties? Experts note that there is no particular method. "It must be borne in mind that in 90% of cases, suicide resulting from depression when he is an adult," said Konstantin Olkhovoï. Therefore, we must fight against depression.

If the problem is insoluble, we must know that every situation is reversible, with the exception of death, noted Konstantin Olkhovoï, calling people contemplating suicide to think about their loved ones.

"Those who are now 40 years old and remember well the old crises, when people fell and rose in all circumstances," said the expert stressed that everyone is far from yielding to depression during crisis: some interpret as a challenge.

"This is a step in and that the outcome will be positive or negative depends primarily on the individual," says the expert.

In addition, psychologists remind how important it is to set real targets. "These are not the results that distinguish a winner of a loser, but the attainment of the goal or not it is self-imposed. And the feeling of being inside is a loser the basis of a depressed and suicidal behavior, "said the expert.

Friends and family play an important role in the fight against suicidal behavior, noted Yevgeny Lyubov. "As in any unfavorable situation, union is strength. A healthy family through more tests with love and tolerance," said Yevgeny Lyubov, but he warns that we must be careful and not to commit errors commonplace.

"For example, do not say:" It is even worse for others. "Anyone who thinks suicide is immersed in his misfortune and not really interested by that of others." However, the expert pointed out that even fleeting thoughts about suicide is a dangerous sign, more so if they are repeated and obsessive. In this case, Yevgeny Lyubov advise just ask for professional help.

The opinion of the author does not necessarily coincide with the editorial position Ria Novosti

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