mardi 11 septembre 2012

French justice and the boycott of Israeli products: Where are we?

La justice française et le boycott des produits israéliens : Où en sommes-nous ?
The last judgment dated report on this subject is that of the Court of Appeal of Paris, and clearly legitimized, May 24, the boycott by peaceful citizens for reasons of general interest. And as outlined in the judge Ghislain Fishmonger in the latest edition of the Gazette du Palais "," the judgment of the Court of Appeal of Paris is part of a general trend of quasi trial courts to refuse the penalization of call for a boycott and citizen activists continued relax. "But there are still trial" Boycott Israel "to come to France ...
On May 24, the Court of Appeal of Paris has indeed rightly reminded Olivia Zémor and other activists to call for a boycott of products or to upload videos on this subject, saying that this "does characterizes any of its elements in the offense of incitement to discrimination, hatred or violence against a group of people because of their belonging to a nation, in the present case Israel. '"
The court has upheld the decision of 8 July 2011 of the 17th Criminal Chamber of Paris - which the prosecutor had also refused to require any punishment against the defendant.
The Court of Appeal reiterated that "peaceful criticism of state policy within the free play of political debate, is, according to the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, at the heart of the notion of democratic society ".
Dissatisfied, the National Bureau of Vigilance against Anti-Semitism Sammy Gozlan, as well as the Chamber of Commerce France Israel, have appealed to appeal this decision. It is not yet known when the Supreme Court will decide on the matter.
It is therefore clear, as pointed Ghislain Fishmonger, that the conviction of Sakina Arnaud on May 22, the Court of Cassation, a sticker for "Boycott" on a bottle of juice in a Carrefour supermarket, is not jurisprudence not to participate in the BDS campaign.
And this is why Sakina Arnaud decided to initiate an appeal with the European Court of Human Rights in this regard.
"On the advice of my lawyers, and Earl Masters Blet, I decided to go see my conviction in France to the European Court of Human Rights and Justice", she announced in a statement .
"See me condemn the crime of conscience is quite surprising, she says, while politicians are calling for a boycott of Mexico (Michèle Alliot Marie and Martine Aubry), or to boycott fast food halal (UMP deputies as Jacques Myard and Lionel Luca), and even Bernard Henri Levy has he not proposed boycott of Corsica as a tourist destination!'s current sports minister Valérie Fourneyron did she not called for a boycott of Ukraine where the France team to play soccer? "
"Our struggle is political and what is politically we must win. BDS is, globally, to impose respect for human rights by the State of Israel," concludes Sakina Arnaud.
Our friend from Bordeaux could not afford the substantial costs involved only by such a procedure, it calls us to show financial solidarity to fight the battle for the independence of the judiciary, freedom of conscience, and for the defense of legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.
Thank you send your checks payable to the LDH TALENCE
Sakina Arnaud
3 rue Socrates
33700 Merignac
E-mail: sakina.arnaud @
Alliot-Marie is permitted in a circular to violate the independence of the judiciary by ordering all prosecutors to initiate proceedings and to condemn men and women who call for a boycott of Israeli products - and these products alone! - other lawsuits are pending in different cities, starting Pontoise (95) on 12 October.
We return to this lawsuit brought by the Sarkozy government, who was not afraid of ridicule in the eyes of the world.
In the meantime, we hope that Ms. Christiane Taubira new Minister of Justice, will void this incredible circular Michèle Alliot-Marie, described by the Union of Magistrates of "judicial attack."
Mr. Holland has repeated throughout his campaign that he was a strong supporter of independence, this should be one of the first measures of the Ministry of Justice who respects himself.

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