samedi 10 novembre 2012

Movie News: Product Placement Crashes, ‘Star Wars VII’ Still Sounds Silly Even Without Big Bird, James Bond is a Man-Whore, and Spider-Man Still Kicks Ass

Columbia Pictures


This week’s movie news is full of the strange and bizarre, along with some awesome sauce thrown in for good measure. We’ve got directors, we’ve got actors, we’ve got actresses (boy, do we!), and we’ve got superheroes (okay, maybe just one). Are you ready to kick off you’re weekend with some of the best damn movie news on the net? Then engage the FTL drive (faster than light, for all you non-Star Wars fans out there … boo!) and get ready. The fun is about to begin.

Bret McKenzie is definitely on board with another Muppets movie, and he’s already writing the songs. This is great news for fans of Flight of The Conchords as well as the Muppet franchise.



Here are some rare trailers for Spider-Man 1 and 2 that will probably blow your mind. Go ahead and sit down now.



You can now find out where you can see The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in Peter Jackson’s favorite 48 fps. Whether or not it will make that big of a difference, who knows?



Usually, companies pay big bucks for product placement in films. But Anheuser-Busch, makers of Budweiser, are not too happy with the free placement in Flight, where Denzel Washington gets to drink and drive. They want the label blurred out so we can’t tell what beer he’s drinking. Seriously? Lighten up, guys. This Bud’s for you.



Harrison Ford joins Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher, who are open to the possibility of appearing in Star Wars VII. Do these guys ever quit? Just look at one of Ford’s last sequel roles: Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. We all know how that turned out.



This is probably the best thing you’ll see all week online. Check out this super mashup of the top 250 movies on IMDb. Get your popcorn ready, because you might be watching this one more than once.




Remember last week when we took a look at all the cars of 007, James Bond? This week we’ve found an infographic showing all of Bond’s love conquests. And yes, Pussy Galore is there, for all you … fans.



Waiting for The Amazing Spider-Man Blu-ray to come out? Check out this 7-minute clip while you’re waiting. Oh … you’re welcome.


Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis get down to brass tacks in this deleted scene from Campaign, where they discuss Chinese bulldogs and college football. No, not kidding. It’s just as bizarre as it sounds.


People on the internet want Brad Bird to direct Star Wars VII. Whew! I’m glad to hear that. At first I thought they said Big Bird, and I didn’t want to see the franchise reduced to Sesame Street in space.



In other news this week, Twilight fans started lining up on Tuesday, yes Tuesday, for the premiere of the final chapter in the series, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2, which doesn’t open for another week. WTF is wrong with these people? Don’t they have jobs? Sheesh.



And finally, check out this footage of Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield’s screen tests for The Amazing Spider-Man. It looks like these two had some chemistry right from the beginning!




So there you have it, the best of this week’s movie news. Did we miss something this week that you thought was interesting? Feel free to share your thoughts on our news or share your favorite new of the week in the comments below.

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