samedi 10 novembre 2012

EXCLUSIVE: Kristen Stewart on Her Favorite Songs from the ‘Twilight’ Soundtracks

Summit Entertainment


The Twilight series has had some pretty amazing music in its soundtracks, so when we recent met with the cast to play “Who’s More Likely To…” we also asked Kristen Stewart to pick her favorite song(s) from the series. Obviously, the Christina Perri track ‘A Thousand Years’ is “really important” to her (if you remember, it’s the track that played as she walked the aisle in Breaking Dawn Part 1) but she’s also a big fan of Iron & Wine’s ‘Flightless Bird, American Mouth’ from the first Twilight soundtrack. Basically, her favorites from the series are “the two totally sappy songs.”

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 opens November 16th, 2012.


Official Synopsis: The astonishing conclusion to the series, THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN, PART 2, illuminates the secrets and mysteries of this spellbinding romantic epic that has entranced millions. In BREAKING DAWN – PART 2, Bella, Edward & Jacob must assemble vampire covens from across the globe to counter the new threat of the ruling Volturi.


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