Marilyn Mason premiered the video for his new single “No Reflection” today. The clip, directed by Lukas Ettlin, “explores wreckage and sanctity” alongside live performance footage.
Manson has always ensured that his videos have dark, graphic tones and this one is no different. In the video, Manson hosts a gory dinner party for five girls in pale white dresses. We’re going to spare you any spoilers, but suffice it to say that you may not want to view this clip if you have an aversion to watching girls get murdered.
The track comes from Manson’s upcoming new album Born Villain, which will be out on May 1. Manson said of the disc, “The new record put simply has the ambition and determination of how I started making music in the first place. It sounds like the first record in that it’s not afraid to do anything. I had to remove myself from my lifestyle and start fresh. I think this will probably be the grandest concept record of all.”
What do you think of Manson’s new video? How does it live up to his past works? Tell us your thoughts in the comments.
For more from Marilyn Manson head to his Myspace Radio channel here.
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