lundi 26 novembre 2012


You’ve created an excellent video that introduces your product or service to the masses. That’s a big step and having a quality video can certainly assist is the success of your business. Likely the video is on YouTube and perhaps even getting a respectable number of hits. Is your video so incredibly unique or entertaining that it could even go viral? It’s great to be exposed to a larger audience, but there’s never any guarantee that exposure will equal conversions.  At the end of the day, a video is still just a video.
Rather than rolling the dice on the hopes of increasing your audience virally, another strategy would be to instead maximize the conversions you receive from your existing, organically-grown audience.  This is one of the ways in which Viewbix can help you.
Viewbix allows you to embed interactive apps directly into videos.  These videos can then be shared across websites, social networks and mobile devices, greatly increasing your ability to convert your viewers into customers.  You can embed virtually anything you can imagine into your videos: special coupons or a map to your physical store or office, even functionality like the ability to sign up for your mailing list.  Viewbix’s unique ability to embed these apps and additional content is not only very cool, but it also allows you to anticipate your potential customers’ needs relative to the information presented in your video and address them immediately which will result in a much lower percentage of abandonment.
Let’s say your company rents villas at a vacation destination.  You have a video showing the beautiful locale and the lush villas that are available for rent.  I am a potential customer watching your video and I think to myself that it looks like somewhere I’d like to visit.  I wonder what the weather will be like at this destination next week; no one likes a rainy vacation. So I browse over to my preferred weather website, and maybe I eventually make it back to your website or maybe I don’t, but the the pertinent fact here is that I’ve now left your website.  Once a potential customer browses away from your site, all bets are off.  If your video had the embedded ability to check the weather and book a villa right then and there within the video player itself, the chances of me taking that action rather than browsing to a different site and going off on my merry way would be greatly increased.
Viewbix allows for not only greater engagement, but also for literal calls-to-action that your viewers or potential customers can take immediately.  With all of that in mind, if your video does happen to go viral on top of your Viewbix efforts, the results can be staggering.
You can experience Viewbix yourself by heading over to and watching the video on their front page which shows you exactly what Viewbix can do for your business.  While you’re there, click to get started with Viewbix today for free!

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