Le traffic management:

For a year, the first year of Master, I had the opportunity to meet Camille Jung, a passionate web in contact with which I learned a lot. With this meeting, I decided to present it through an interview in which he will reveal his daily traffic manager, a job he has long exercised in Becquet (3 Suisses International Group) and now agency.
Camille, as Erik and Florian have done before you, can you take a few minutes to introduce yourself including your career back?
Hi Benjamin and thank you for this interview! I'm 24 years old and I just got my master II to IMMD of Roubaix, e-commerce course. Before that I got a Bachelor of Engineering Web and Multimedia, and DUT Techniques de Commercialisation.
I chose to study in the alternation from License, so three years ago. Indeed, in the web, it seems to me essential tools to mix and be in the thick of the action. Therefore I made a year and a half in office, and two years with the advertiser. Two different worlds and many great experiences!
The web is a vast field that encompasses a multitude of trades at once different and complementary. Why did you opt for traffic management? What are the keys?
Traffic manager should be on the lookout for new, have a results-oriented vision and love numbers.
This is an exciting sector for varied throughout the broad spectrum of levers acquisitions traffic available. It is also a job where you need a strong web culture and an approach centered on return on investment. I love the look encrypted and measuring results. Traffic manager should be on the lookout for new, have a results-oriented vision and love numbers.
How do you become a traffic manager in 2012?
Many companies require a Bac +5 but I am convinced that the key to success it is mostly personal projects and passion for the web. Techniques of traffic generation are changing rapidly and it requires a significant sector before.
Those interested in the job should create a blog on a topic that interests them and test different methods to gain traffic. For example, Adwords offers easily available tickets 75 euros: it is well to familiarize themselves with the interface and test some stuff.
Particularly effective in generating traffic, community management is a task often assigned to students. This trend could it not you think poor awareness of its importance from the business?
When problems arise, it is often too late to wake up.
While for some companies, social networks are not a channel provider of turnover, the problem arises anyway because customers talk about the brand on these networks. The strategy (what it says, what answer, for what purpose we are) should be reflected with the top management. After a student can do a very good job, but clearly the top management must put his nose in it. When problems arise, it is often too late to wake up.
You're pretty Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus?
Twitter mainly for my watch and discussions on the web in general. Facebook, too, because sometimes there are interesting discussions. Google Plus I still have not hooked ... I have a profile, but I had to go over twice.
About Facebook, do you consider its slow start in fellowship as the beginnings of a possible decline?
I think Facebook is deeply rooted in the customs of the users, and thus the site will not be abandoned tomorrow. For against what is more worrying is the lack of a strategy that seems to have Facebook for mobile, especially regarding publicity and therefore their source of income. Pierre-Olivier Carles, I recommend reading his blog, wrote an excellent note on this subject.
And Google Plus, you believe it?
If I take my own example, not so much. I have not yet found that Google Plus could bring me. I have lists on Facebook to segment my publications, I sleep on my Twitter. From the perspective of brands, it must of course see what target you want to go, and also what are the implications in terms of SEO.
Like any business on the web, community management requires regular monitoring. How do you manage daily? Do you have good veins (blogs, Twitter accounts ...) to share with us?
I realize this day primarily through Twitter. To increase productivity, I look at my timeline, I woke up in the morning, afternoon and evening.
Then I have some "Google Alert" on topics or levers particular traffic acquisition.
At the account level, I recommend @ kxrz who post interesting things and always @ pocarles whose articles are particularly thoughtful and interesting.
Finally, the general marketing @ sebastiendurand always publishes relevant articles.
More than a job, community management is a passion for you, especially as expressed through projects such as Visit New York and most recently Visiting Quebec . Can you tell us more about them?
I really enjoy a service to readers of both sites. These are two topics which fascinate me and I love to give advice. It is also a place where I can find out what topics most interest our readers what they want.
Finally, would you advice to recommend to all those who wish to also engage in traffic management?
Being curious, and above all have personal projects. Depending on where you live, go to aperitifs bloggers / web is a good way to have interesting discussions and meet brilliant people and friendly!
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