mardi 11 septembre 2012

Demonstrators entering the United States Embassy in Cairo

Des manifestants pénètrent dans l'ambassade des Etats-Unis au Caire

CAIRO (Sipa) - Protesters, mostly fundamentalist Muslims, climbed Tuesday walls of the enclosure of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, entered the yard and brought the American flag in protest against a film deemed insulting to the Prophet Muhammad.

Protesters replaced the American flag with a black flag. They tried to rip the American flag having failed to burn. According to embassy officials, no staff representation was then present in the building.

Hundreds of people were massed in front of the U.S. embassy to protest against the film, according to Egyptian media, was recently produced in the United States. Extracts available on the video sharing site YouTube online show the prophet of Islam having sex and question its role as the bearer of the Word of God.

Washington confirms an intrusion into its embassy in Cairo

WASHINGTON - A group of men climbed Tuesday wall of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, and one of them snatched the flag of the United States, confirmed an official of the Department of State told reporters.

People broke over the wall, tore the flag and replaced. What I heard is that it has been replaced by a black flag. But I could be wrong on this point, she said, the question of whether it was a flag of Al Qaeda. AFP journalists attended the scene in Cairo.

(Sipa / 11/9/2012 8:05 p.m.)

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