jeudi 5 juillet 2012

Tina Fey Raps on New Childish Gambino Mixtape, ‘Royalty’

Tina Fey Raps on New Childish Gambino Mixtape, ‘Royalty’:
NBC / Universal


Tina Fey is a a well-rounded actress who can pull off a lot of things, but who knew rapping was one of her talents? She pops in on the last track from Childish Gambino’s latest album, Real Estate.

Okay, so Tina Fey doesn’t do an entire song by herself, but who cares? Could this be the start of a whole new outlet for Fey’s talent? Her lyrics are certainly interesting, to say the least (dropping racks at Nordstroms?). You can check out her contribution to the album Royalty below. Fast forward to the 4:50 mark to skip to her rapping. She has the final words in the song, and on the album. How’s that for a debut?



You can download the new album directly from Donald Glover’s site here. Don’t forget to let us know what you think about Tina Fey’s rap debut in the comments below!

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