Bitdefender Total Security 2013 License Key for 3 Months is available for free on Facebook page of Bitdefender mention below. If you want to grab the free license keys of Bitdefender internet security 2012 also than read my other article. Like other product of this company this is also a quality product and complete all in one suite for all your protection needs. According to them its the ultimate silent security which means you enjoy internet surfing and Bitdefender will do its work. Its current price is $80 which is bit expensive but its worth it.
Not many people know that apart from Kaspersky and Norton antivirus their are some other quality products available in the market. Infect as mention above its the number 1 ranked antivirus and security suite according to the AV-Test software testing company. Not only they won it for one time but they are the Top Choice in 2011 and 2012 by this company.

How to Get Free license key of Bitdefender Total Security 2013
Normally software companies provide 30 days trial version to its customers so that they can use it before buying it. But they are giving away 3 months bitdefender total security license key free to our Facebook fanpage users. All you have to do is to the like fan page and download the software which is already activated for 90 days.
1. Like the Facebook Giveaway Page here.
2. Share the promotion with your friends.
Number 1 Ranked Antivirus Software!
In 2011 Bitdefender got the Best Security Product Award by achieving the highest score in Protection, Repair and Usability! Not only they won the award from one company but also many other small business organizations like AV Comparatives, CNET Downloads, PC Welt, Micro Actuel judge them the fastest and safest software ever.
Not just Security – it’s Silent Security!
In this modern era giving the security is not a big deal because people are now very demanding and ultra tech. They want extra efficiency and fast performance. The only solution to this problem is the autolipot features which runs your security software on its own without user input and runs in background while your work.
Of course you can handle the software manually too but it would recommended to you that you run both modes for better productivity and results. Interruptions or slowdowns are the main cause of bad antivirus product today so its necessary to avoid these bad habits with the 21st century products.
Bank & Shop on Internet with complete Privacy!
The biggest threat to the internet today is from hackers and bad guys who are always in search of people who have no security measures. Each and every software or operating system has some bugs or loop holes in it. So its a matter of time for hackers to break into your laptop and steal all your precious information, bank accounts, credit cards etc.
But if you have bitdefender total security serial than just install the software, activate it and enjoy fearless surfing. Now how this will protect you from all these nasty guys, well its very simple all they need is a iron-clad secure browser which acts as a wall or shield between your computer and internet connection so that when ever some one tries to access your PC than it will be instantly blocked.
Keep Track of your stolen Mobile Devices.
We all know that security software only protect us from viruses, malwares and hackers but what if your mobile device is stolen or lost some where in the shopping mall or stadium. Well no need to worry about because Bitdefender Anti-Theft feature is there for you to protect you.
With this application you can not only locate, lock or wiping your lost or stolen laptops or netbooks but you can also find the location of the thief.
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Awesome Features:
Unmatched Security – With lots of key features like Bitdefender Safepay, MyBitdefender dashboard , Security Widget , Parental Control , USB Immunizer , Active Virus Control, Rescue Mode, Vulnerability Scanner, Antispam and Two-way its nearly impossible for e-threats to find loop hole in your system. You will never find all these ultra high quality features in any other antivirus or antispyware product. Parents feel safe and no one will ever harness children on the net. With firewalls enable and rescue mode they both will act as a strong filter in which only the traffic with the permission will flow.
Absolute Silence – I don’t think you have ever heard that a software is completely silence and its the latest term used by bit defender key to tell us that its the most advanced and sophisticated antivirus solution on internet. Bitdefender Autopilot takes full control of your computer and makes decision on its own so that you can listen to music, shop online and watch movies with full piece of mind.
Safe Social Networking – I am not saying that your friends are cheating you but what is the purpose to protect your laptop from your friends is that you cannot trust on your friends PC due to the nature of net. Anyone’s computer can be harmed any time so its important that before you share files with your friends it can be scanned with bitdefender total security key and Social Network Protection for full clearance.
Search Advisor – It doest not mean that if you find a website from search engine than it will be safe. Yes you can found some malicious blog too but don’t worry free license key of bitdefender total security 2013 will make sure that all the links are scanned before you open them.
Total Privacy – Your privacy is very important to everyone and specially for bitdefender total security activation code. Now the way it will be protected is via Device Anti-Theft, Personal Data Filter, Antiphising, File Shredder and File Encryption methods.
Full Speed – Its the ability of your product that it runs fast and make your system feel like a your are running it with out any antivirus. Scan Dispatcher is the function which runs bitdefender total security 2013 product keys when you system is not in use so that it performs better. Tune-Up utilities is another feature built-in into this software so that to clean your windows file system and registry.
Secure Backup – Although Bitdefender Total Security 2013 License Key for 3 Months is enough but still you need a backup service like Bitdefender Safebox which makes Online Storage and Sharing easy and hassle free.
System Requirements:
Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP SP3 (32 bit) , Vista (SP2), Microsoft Windows 7 (SP1), Microsoft Windows 8
CPU: 800MHz processor
Memory (RAM): 1 GB
Available free hard disk space: 1.8 GB free space (at least 800 MB on the system drive)
Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP SP3, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.
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