mardi 3 avril 2012

Mitt Romney pretends he doesn't understand the health care system

Mitt Romney pretends he doesn't understand the health care system:
Disingenuous much? Here's Mitt Romney, pretending like he doesn't understand how the health care market works so he can sound like a real conservative.
ROMNEY: If you’re unfortunate enough to get a very serious condition and you have the insurance most people have. You pay the deductible and then it’s free! And so, you’ll go to a doctor and a hospital. You’d never think of asking about how much it’s going to cost because you don’t pay the bill — the insurance company does. In other countries like Switzerland, they have the patient pay 20 percent of the bill for elective surgeries and of course if it’s an emergency they don’t. But that gives you the chance to shop around….I’m also not naive enough to think that there would be a heck of a lot of problems that would be better run if we got the government out and turned back to the free market.
Right. The problem in our health care system is that people aren't paying enough for it. It's the favorite canard of conservatives: just apply market principles to health care, and force people to shop around for the lowest price for their health care so they have "skin in the game," and the resulting competition will drive prices down.
Which is of course bullshit.
Consumers can't shop around for health care services like they shop for refrigerators. A person newly diagnosed with lymphoma, or a heart condition, or even something as routine as asthma, doesn't have the luxury of time or specialized knowledge to shop around for the best "buy," for the provider that will give the best care at bargain basement prices.
That's not how health care works and Romney damned well knows it. He knows it because he might be an unprincipled panderer and flip-flopper, but he's not an idiot. He's been through health care reform and has the basic understanding of how the system works, which makes this bullshit from him even more despicable.

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