mardi 3 avril 2012

Mia Wasikowsa to play Madame Bovary in new adaptation

Mia Wasikowsa to play Madame Bovary in new adaptation: [brightcove]1141042665001[/brightcove]
Mia Wasikowska is fast becoming the go-to girl girl for literary adaptations, and she's now set to follow Alice In Wonderland and Jane Eyre with Madame Bovary.

Variety is reporting that the Australian actress is set to play Emma, the Madame Bovary of the title, in a new adaptation of Gustave Flaubert's classic realist novel, which will be directed by Cold Souls' Sophie Barthes.

Paul Giamatti (who starred in Souls) is in line to play Monsieur Homais, the town apothecary and a key player in the events that unfold.

According to Variety, the film will retain the period setting of the novel, though it will emphasise "the more youthful and contemporary themes".

There was a refreshingly earthy and gloss-free approach to Jane Eyre, which could work well with Bovary. It'll also be interesting if to see if Barthes finds a way of capturing Flaubert's arch style.

There's no word on the casting of the three key male roles - Emma's husband Charles, rakish cad Rodolphe and student Léon. With Wasikowska attached, we can't imagine it'll take long for these roles to fill up.

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