jeudi 5 avril 2012

Bankers form Super PAC: A new vortex of evil opens in fabric of universe

Bankers form Super PAC: A new vortex of evil opens in fabric of universe:
wall street sign

You have to read this to believe it.

Frustrated by a lack of political power and fed up with blindly donating to politicians who consistently vote against the industry's interests, a handful of leaders are determined to shake things up.
They have formed the industry's first SuperPAC — dubbed Friends of Traditional Banking — that is designed to target the industry's enemies and support its friends in Congress. [...]
"Congress isn't afraid of bankers," adds Roger Beverage, the president and CEO of the Oklahoma Bankers Association. "They don't think we'll do anything to kick them out of office. We are trying to change that perception."
Pity the poor banksters, unable to spend enough to buy some clout on Capitol Hill.

bank campaign contributions
What they really want is just to have totally unfettered, unaccountable spending so they can do more of this:

bank campaign contributions
But, seriously, the persecution complex the banksters have is just epic. One would really like to see a handful of them living the life of an unemployed single mom for a month or two, just to see if they are capable of learning.

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