mardi 3 avril 2012

Hillary Clinton: Rush Limbaugh 'over the line' in 'verbal assault'

Sec. of State Hillary Clinton (Larry Downing/Reuters)

Rush Limbaugh's prolonged attack on Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke hasn't stopped making news yet. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, in a pre-taped interview with Andrea Mitchell, was asked to weigh in.

“I thought the response [to Limbaugh] was very encouraging. The response from the public, the response, in particular, from women cutting across all kinds of categories, the response from advertisers.”

“I think we need to call people out when they go over the line. They’re entitled to their opinion but no one is entitled to engage in that kind of verbal assault. Let’s keep it to the issues,” she said.

She added that, while she "welcomes" the individual right to "engage in the kind of debate and dialogue that is at the root of who we are as Americans,” to not turn what should be an issues-based discussion into "personal attacks and insults." "We’re better than that and people in the public eye have a particular responsibility to avoid it.”

The story is by no means over. Let's remind Limbaugh's advertisers that we're still paying attention. Sign the petition telling advertisers not to go back to Limbaugh.

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