(Marcello Casal Jr/ABr)
April 1 (Tehran)—Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad today endorsed the United States Republican Mitt Romney in the American presidential campaign, citing Romney's proposal that President Barack Obama reveal the transcripts and notes from every meeting and conversation he has ever had with foreign leaders.Obviously the statement is an ex-post facto April Fool's joke. But Romney's proposal, while hilarious, was not a joke.
President Ahmadinejad's statement follows:
"As I have not yet met with President Obama—despite his promise to do so during the 2008 campaign—I would very much like to know what types of things are said in these meetings. Mitt Romney's demand for openness and transparency is a wonderful way for me to achieve that goal.
"In addition, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei would very much like to know the details of Obama's conversations with heads of state such as Israel. Having knowledge of these conversations would enable us to plan national security strategy with much more certainty.
"Governor Romney has repeatedly said that if Obama remains in office, Iran will become a nuclear nation. Until his proposal, we hadn't considered that to be a serious possibility. However, if Obama were to unveil the full and complete record of his conversations with other nations in the region, our nuclear capabilities would be greatly enhanced.
"As a sign of my gratitude for such a helpful proposal, I would like to announce my support for Governor Romney's presidential campaign. Effective immediately, one-third of Iran's oil sales will be funneled into Governor Romney's Super PAC.
"It is our understanding that Governor Romney does not consider countries to be people, but does consider corporations to be people. Thus, as a show of good faith, we have also decided to incorporate Iran. We will henceforth be known as Iran, Inc."
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