dimanche 1 juillet 2012

When is Ek Tha Tiger Music Releasing ? Confirmed DATE

When is Ek Tha Tiger Music Releasing ? Confirmed DATE:

Official Movie Poster
Finally after a Superb Teaser and Trailer, Director Kabir Khan have announced the releasing date of Ek Tha Tiger Music.

Kabir Khan Tweeted that The Songs of Ek Tha Tiger are going to release on 15th July. First Promo Song will also release on 15th July among the other songs. But we cannot say that either the Video Songs will also release or no because according to reports, there is no Item Song in Ek Tha Tiger so may be the video songs will not release before the release of Film. Ek Tha Tiger is all set to rock on 15th August. Watch Ek Tha Tiger Box Office Review by Haider Afridi.

What say guys, will the songs create some Dhamaka like Trailer ?

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