mardi 10 juillet 2012

New telescope can spot planets orbiting stars outside our solar system

New telescope can spot planets orbiting stars outside our solar system: Project 1640

A new telescope imaging system has been developed that can detect planets orbiting around suns outside of our own solar system. Dubbed Project 1640, the telescope has been in the works for the past six years, and is a joint effort between the American Museum of Natural History, the California Institute of Technology, and NASA. Planets orbiting suns are typically hard to see because the stars give off so much light. "Imagine trying to see a firefly whirling around a searchlight more than a thousand miles away," explains Charles Beichman, from the California Institute of Technology.
Project 1640 gets around this problem by creating "dark holes" around the sun, making it possible to pick out planets. "Once we can actually see these...
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