With every horror icon under the sun getting smartened up and repackaged for a new audience of gore-hungry teens, its no surprise that Chucky will be getting another outing in the long waited remake of Child's Play.
Moviehole collared the man responsible for Chucky's vocals, Brad Dourif, at the recent Mad Monster Party convention, where the star confirmed that not only is a remake in the works, but also a sequel!
This new episode in the long-running franchise will be titled Revenge Of Chucky, and will again focus on the killer doll's immediate family, in a similar vein to Bride Of Chucky and Seed Of Chucky.
As for the remake, Dourif indicated that original writer Don Mancini is still working on script, with the theme thought to be a lot lighter and comedic than the original.
Dourif confirmed he had been tapped to supply the voice for both films, although how close either project is to production remains to be seen. However, next year marks the 25th anniversary of the original film's release, so don't be surprised if we're seeing more of Chucky sooner rather than later.
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