mardi 11 septembre 2012

The United States could "total defeat" in Afghanistan (Taliban)

Les Etats-Unis risquent

"The anniversary of 9/11 is being celebrated this year in America at a time when the country faces a total defeat in Afghanistan - militarily, politically, economically and in all other areas, then it has exhausted all other means to prolong his illegal war ", say the Afghan Taliban in a statement relayed by SITE.

The statement, written in English and dated Sunday, adding that launched the war in Afghanistan "under the pretext of revenge for the September incident has no legal or ethical basis" and that the Afghans have nothing to do in what happened.

Even though the United States has spent "large amounts of money and military means" in the war, "no American is safe in any place whatsoever today," the statement said.

The Taliban also say that this is not a threat, but they swear to defend their homeland and continue their "holy struggle" against "invaders".

"The Islamic Emirate for the 11th anniversary of the September incident, once again calls U.S. officials, members of their coalition and their people to stop the blood of the oppressed Afghans under this pretext and follow the path of reason instead of that of tyranny and stupidity, "says the statement said.

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