mardi 11 septembre 2012

Do’s and Dont’s in Blogging

Building a Website and then starting Earning from it is one of the thing that everyone is doing. If you have been Blogging from some time, you might be knowing there are two types of Bloggers- Successful Blogger or Simple Blogger or Newbie. Not making mistakes is one of the best qualities that Successful Blogger have. Also Blogging has some do’s and dont’s and if you follow them correctly, you are going to be a Successful Blogger. With over tons of Blogs on Internet, only few gets recognized, this depend on the Do’s and Dont’s, if you want to be a Successful Blogger then you should follow some Blogging Do’s and Dont’s.

Dos and Donts in Blogging
Do’s in Blogging

Do write Quality Posts

Every Blog Owner should write quality post in there blog. It helps you in getting tons of traffic as readers always like the quality posts. Also Search Engines fast index these quality posts and you get tons of traffic from Search Engines.

Do Update your Blog daily

Search Engines always likes the blog who is daily updated and it provides you a good PR and Alexa. Updating your Blog daily is one of the best way to get good traffic.

Do choose a Right CMS Platform

Finding a right CMS Platform is must for every Blog owner. WordPress is the best platform with many features like Good Security, SEO Friendly. If you are not good in customization, then you can easily install plugins which will help you in customization of the blog.

Do Follow SEO in your Blog

SEO is the best way to gain tons of traffic to your blog. Following of SEO is really needed if you want to get good traffic from Search Engines. There are many ways to follow SEO for your Blog.

Do Build Backlinks for your Blog

Without having Backlinks, your blog cant get any traffic from Search Engines. Building Backlinks for your blog is one of the best way to make your blog SEO Friendly. If you build some high PR Backlinks for your Blog, your blog will get tons of traffic.

Do Guest Post on other Blogs

Guest Posting on other Blog is one of the best way to build backlinks. Also your Blog gets recognized and you get tons of traffic. You can place two links of your blog in author byline. This will get you backlinks and if you guest post on high PR Blog or high traffic blog, then you can get tons of traffic to your blog.
Dont’s in Blogging

Don’t copy paste from other blogs

Most of the Newbie Bloggers or some other Bloggers mostly copy paste from other blogs. This is one of the biggest Blogging mistake and it will not gain you any traffic to your blog. Readers like the real content, so don’t copy paste from other blogs. Read article on how to stop copy paste bloggers from stealing your content.

Don’t place too many Ads

If you visit some other blogs, you can easily see lot of ads. Displaying too many ads doesn’t means that it will make you earn more, even displaying less ads can make you earn more. Also displaying so many ads irritates the visitors and you may loose your blog traffic. Displaying too many Ads also affects the Blog Loading Time.

Don’t add too many widgets

Adding too many widgets in the Sidebar also affects your blog Loading Time. Also sometimes adding too many widgets breaks your theme. Although adding more widgets helps you in making your visitors spend more time in your blog. But as a Blog Owner should try to add useful widget in your Blog.

Don’t Spam

Don’t spam on other Blogs. You can follow some real ways to promote your site and don’t spam. Spamming will not help you to promote your site. Mostly Bloggers spam by Commenting, if you want your comment to be accepted, then leave a comment related to the post. There are some best commenting tips which you should follow for your Blog.

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