lundi 30 juillet 2012

Facebook Printable Posters Now Available For Download

Printable Facebook Posters
Facebook is a very powerful social media, not just for networking, but also for marketing. For the success of any business, its presence on social media, especially on Facebook is a must. |This is because according to an estimate, around 75% of the customers (for any product or service) use online streams such as social media to learn more about that particular product before going for it. And since Facebook is the largest social media with more than 900 million users, you can see how much a company would be missing out on if it didn't have a Facebook page. Facebook isn't just for online businesses either. Much like Google Places, local businesses can also utilize Facebook for promotion and to bring in customers. And for such local businesses, there's a good news! Facebook Printable Posters are now available for them to download and use for their business' promotion!

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