samedi 7 avril 2012

Simon Pegg's A Fantastic Fear Of Everything gets a barmy trailer

Simon Pegg's A Fantastic Fear Of Everything gets a barmy trailer:

Simon Pegg has unveiled the first trailer for A Fantastic Fear Of Everything via his Twitter account.

The film is written and co-directed by Crispian Mills (yes, he of Kula Shaker fame), and sees Pegg sporting a freaky mop of hair (complemented by a shaggy beard) to play a children's author on the verge of losing 'it'.

Playing with horror tropes, fantasy sequences, broad comedy moments and rustic hand-hewn animation, it looks like quite the confection.

Pegg's Jack is making the jump from kiddie-lit to work on a serial killer tome, and it seems as if it's all a bit too much for his fragile mind.

Get a sense of A Fantastic Fear Of Everything by checking out the trailer now:
A Fantastic Fear Of Everything opens on 8 June 2012. Keep your eyes peeled for an in-depth chat about the film with Pegg in the next issue of Total Film magazine.

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