lundi 9 avril 2012

Republican member protection program

Republican member protection program:
Thaddeus McCotter
GOP operatives will protect Members

of Congress who are passed over by

Mitt Romney's VP selection team
Roll Call, in an article on Hill Republicans being considered to be Mitt Romney's sidekick, notes:

GOP operatives said they will be aggressive in protecting Members they advise from inaccurate stories about their record and viability on a national ticket. These operatives said their aim is to shoot down any narrative that suggests a prospective vice presidential nominee was passed over because of information discovered during the vetting process.
For example, if someone were to speculate about something like the 23 years worth of tax returns that Mitt Romney gave to John McCain's vetting team having something to do with McCain passing Romney over in favor of Sarah Palin, these guys would be there to shoot down that kind of speculation.
Of course, the real person in need of protection might be Mitt Romney himself: protection from the perception that a lot of potential candidates would rather stay on the sidelines instead of signing up to be number two on a losing team.

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