jeudi 29 mars 2012

Plot rumour confirmed for The Dark Knight Rises

Plot rumour confirmed for The Dark Knight Rises:
The Dark Knight Rises still has a couple of question marks hanging over a few key areas. For example, is Bane working alone? Where has he recruited his army? And just who is Miranda Tate?

However, while these issues have yet to be resolved, Warner have confirmed one plot nugget that had previously been the stuff of whispers and conjecture. If you don't want to know what it is, then why have you read this far? In any case, here's your last chance to turn back…

Ok, well if you hadn't already guessed, Warner have confirmed that Liam Neeson will return for The Dark Knight Rises, meaning that Ra's al Ghul will be reappearing in his adult form (Josh Pence already being credited as playing a younger version of the villain).

The news was confirmed by Warner in their press notes for Wrath Of The Titans, in which Neeson can be seen playing Zeus.

"Neeson next appears in Peter Berg’s actioner Battleship,” reads the release, "and he also will be seen in Christopher Nolan’s much-anticipated action thriller The Dark Knight Rises."

There you have it, then. Christopher Nolan is bringing the trilogy full-circle with the return of Batman Begins' chief antagonist. Neeson was only thought to be on set for a short amount of time, so his part will likely be a cameo, but that's not to say the character won't loom large over proceedings.

The Dark Knight Rises opens in the UK on 20 July 2012. Excited yet?

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